Agricultural Credit Corporation
Sell Project
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Procedures for service delivery

Apply for the loan officer (agricultural engineer) to transfer ownership of the project.

  • The owner of the project submits a registration verification form for the land of the project from the Land Department.
  • Prepare a statement of indebtedness of the new owner to show the financial accounts of the agricultural lending institution.
  • Submit the investigation form after filling it from the Land Department to the Lending Officer (Agricultural Engineer).
  • The Lending Officer (Agricultural Engineer) confirms the new owner's commitment to the debt, the terms of the contract and any previous debts to the institution, prepares the transaction for the transfer of ownership of the project, and provides his explanations for the transaction.
  • Transfer the transfer of ownership to the branch manager for review and approval if the transfer of ownership to the wife and children, but if otherwise, the transaction is transferred to the General Directorate for approval.
  • Issuing and handing over the title to the new owner.

Note: If the project contains an animal wealth that transfers ownership and the new owner becomes guarantor of the debt bond / financing contract until the full repayment of the loan.

Category benefiting from the service
Natural and legal persons obtaining project funding from the Foundation.
Partner institutions
Department of Land and Survey
The required documents
The personal identity of the seller and the buyer
Service fees
There is no
Term of service
Individuals: Jordanian Nationality - majority of 18 years of age.Companies: Companies or associations must be licensed by the competent authority. General Terms: The presence of the seller and the buyer or their representative. The firm belief in the commitment of the company to complete the implementation of the project and adherence to the rules and rules of lending.
Place of service
All branches of the institution / public administration.
Time of service completion
a work day
  • Total Visitors: 5033092
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