Agricultural Credit Corporation
The powers of approving loans and Islamic finance
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1. Powers to approve empowerment:

Acceptance of loan applications and funding for animal welfare projects (sheep, cows, bee cells)

As follows :-

A) Branch:

· The Branch Manager shall be granted the authority to accept applications for loans or financing for these projects owned or leased and the ceiling of (5) thousand dinars and a monthly or a regular precaution if the request from an authorized body of the Foundation. As well as the projects of fattening sheep and calves provided that the provision of guarantees and financial transfer.

B) Territory:

• The Director of the Region shall be granted the authority to accept applications for loans or financing for such owned projects which exceed

· (5) thousands - (10) thousands of dinars and a monthly or a regular precaution if the request from an authorized body of the Foundation. As well as the projects of fattening sheep and calves provided that the provision of guarantees and financial transfer

C) General Administration:

· The validity of accepting applications for loans or financing for these projects to the Director General in the following cases:

1. If the above projects are leased and their value exceeds (5) thousand dinars.

2. If the above projects are owned and valued at more than (10) thousand dinars.

3. If the above projects are owned or leased and the method of payment is a financial transfer.

4. Lending loans (444) and (555) regardless of their value.

5. Purchase shares and agricultural land

(2) - The powers of lending:

(A) Section:

The powers of lending from the project of poverty and unemployment (104) and (204) of the powers of the Committee and the mandate of the powers granted to the project.
The powers of lending or financing for the Committee shall be for projects amounting to (5) thousand dinars, including stocks.
The powers of the Committee for the projects of the Hashemite Commission for Military Casualties shall be of a ceiling of (5) thousand Dinars, regardless of the balances on the debtor and the sponsor.

(B) Territory:

The powers of lending or financing to the Regional Committee for projects with a value of more than (5) thousands of dinars and up to (10) thousand dinars, including the assets of the debtor and the sponsor.

(C) General Administration:

The powers of lending or financing to the Central Committee for projects with a value of more than (10) thousands of dinars and not more than (50) thousand dinars, but not exceed the total assets of (150) thousand dinars.
The powers of lending or financing for projects with a value exceeding (50) thousand dinars and up to (150) thousand dinars, including the assets of the powers of the Board of Directors.
The powers of lending for the loans of taxation (444) and (555) shall be in accordance with the powers vested in the Corporation and after obtaining the prior approval from the General Administration and regardless of its value.

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